Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations #1509061

Артикул: 1509061
  • Предмет: Armed conflict
  • Уникальность: 92% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2021 году
  • Количество страниц: 22
  • Формат файла: docx
2 590p.
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Introduction 3
1. History of conflict 4
2. Features of international intervention in the conflict 7
3. Conflict resolution possibilities 14
Conclusions and recommendations 18
List of referred literature and other sources 19

The relevance of the study of the conflict around the Rohingya is due to the current situation in Rakhine State, the problem of refugee camps in the Cox's Bazar district, numbering one million Rohingya, as well as the concern of the international community as a whole.
The Rohingya Muslim community in Rakhine State is not recognized by the Government of Myanmar as an ethnicity eligible for citizenship.
Accordingly, the Rohingya are believed to reside illegally in Myanmar. The government is actively creating narratives about the illegality of the Rohingya's stay in Myanmar. The Buddhist religious elite support this point of view.
The purpose of this work is to study the problems of the Muslim population (Uighur ьuslims) in Myanmar.
To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to solve a number of tasks:
- describe the history of the conflict;
- present the features of the international impact on Myanmar;
- identify possible ways of solving the way out of this conflict.
English-language sources were used for the study, including international documents, publications and statements by international organizations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the UN Fact-finding Mission in Myanmar, Doctors Without Borders.
An integral part of the study were video materials of news reviews, journalists' reports from the scene, media publications, Al Jazeera, Independent, The Guardian.
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Тема: Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations
Артикул: 1509061
Дата написания: 16.12.2021
Тип работы: Курсовая работа
Предмет: Armed conflict
Оригинальность: Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 92%
Количество страниц: 22
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Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 1
Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 2
Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 3
Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 4
Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 5
Курсовая — Discrimination of Uighur Muslims in Myanmar. How did it affect their international relations — 6
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