The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) #1510241

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Before the global crisis that hit Spain in the spring of 2008 the country had become one of Europe’s most successful economies. While other European countries had been stuck in their economic development, Spain performed much better at reforming its welfare systems and labor markets, as well as improving flexibility and lowering unemployment. Over the decade and a half that preceded the 2008 global financial crisis, the Spanish economy seemed to had been able to break with the historical pattern of boom and bust, and the country’s economic performance was nothing short of remarkable. Following the transition to democracy and the country’s European integration, Spain was, prior to the 2008 crisis, a model country.
But then the (debt fueled) dream was shattered and the country’s economy imploded after 2008. These aspects played an important role in the severity of the economic crisis in Spain:
1) policy choices and the structure of decision making;
2) the role of organized interest;
3) the structure of the state;
4) institutional degeneration;
5) the country’s membership under an incomplete monetary union.
Spain had to face a triple crisis: financial, fiscal, and competitiveness...
1. The Spanish Financial Crisis: Economic Reforms and the Export-Led Recovery
2. Royo Sebastián. Lessons from the Economic Crises in Spain. New York: Palgrave; 2013.
3. Royo Sebastián. After Austerity: Lessons from the Spanish Experience. In: Ryan John., editor. Towards a Resilient Eurozone: Economic, Monetary and Fiscal Policies. New York: Peter Lang; 2015.
4. Martin Wolf’s blog: “What Was Spain Supposed to Have Done?” June 25, 2012,
5. Roman, David . "Madrid Austerity Plan Boosted to $80 Billion."The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 12 July 2012. Web. .
6. Rooney, Ben. "Spain’s Financial Crisis a Boost to its Startup Economy."WSJ. N.p., 17 Oct. 2013. Web. .
7. "Royal Decree-Law 3/2012 of urgent measures to reform the employment market."Herbert Smith. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.
8. The adjustment of the Spanish Real Estate Sector. Ministerio de Fomento, 1 Jan. 2012. Web.
9. "The Residential Investment Adjustment in Spain: The Current Situation." Banco de España, 20 Dec. 2010. Web. .
10. "The Spanish Government imposes an €8 billion budget adjustment on the Autonomous Communities in 2014 and 2015."Catalan News Agency. N.p., 17 Oct. 2013. Web.
11. Spain: a Eurozone success story? -
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Тема: The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.)
Артикул: 1510241
Дата написания: 19.12.2023
Тип работы: Презентация
Предмет: Макроэкономика // Macroeconomics
Количество страниц: 23
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Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 1
Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 2
Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 3
Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 4
Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 5
Презентация — The economic crisis in Spain 2008-2015 (Кризис в Испании 2008-2015 гг.) — 6
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