From Administrative State to Constitutional Government
Over the past 100 years, our government has been transformed from a limited, constitutional, federal republic to a centralized administrative state that for the most part exists outside the structure of the Constitution and wields nearly unlimited power. This administrative state has been constructed as a result ot a massive expansion of the national government’s power. But as the national government expanded and began to focus more and more on every aspect ot citizens’ lives, the need for a new kind of government—one focused on regulating the numerous activities of citizens rather than on protecting their individual rights—became apparent. In the United States, this new form of government is the administrative state. As the modern administrative state has grown and metastasized over the past decades, it has taken many forms, to the point of becoming the primary method of politics and policymaking. The myriad agencies and departments that make up this administrative state operate as a “fourth branch’' of government that typically combines the powers of the other throe and makes policy with little regard for the rights and views of citizens. In term* of actual policy, most of the action is located in administrative agencies and departments, not in the Congress and the President is commonly thought. Unelected bureaucrats—not elected representatives—are running Ihe show. However, the problem of the administrative state is straightforward. Whether Ihe regulatory agencies are “executive agencies,” “executive departments,1 "federal departments,” or “independent regulatory commissions” is irrelevant. In whatever form they may take, the myriad agencies and departments that make up this administrative state operate as a “fourth branch” of government that typically combines the powers of the other three and makes policy with little regard for the rights and opinions of citizens. The administrative state has been established for over a century, and its powers have been gradually expanded in new waves of reform. Today, most of the laws are made and carried out not by Congress and the President, but by federal agencies and departments. These institutions of the administrative state have been steadily removed from the oversight and accountability of the public at major cost to our constitutional principles. The administrative state is an assault on constitutional principles—government by consent, the separation of powers, and the rights of individuals that the liberals and the conservatives hold dear. The key to reform is that it be grounded in a proper understanding of these principles, not in the hope of immediate short-term gain or narrow self-interest. If we begin from constitutional principles and can communicate those principles and their relevance to the public in a clear manner, the reforms are not too far from our grasp. One of the greatest long-term challenges facing the United States is the restoration of limited constitutional government. Central to that objective, and an essential aspect of changing America’s course, is the dismantling of the administrative state that so threatens our self-governing republic. It is high time that Americans work together to forge an alternative to the administrative state so that we preserve our constitutional principles for future generations.
Требования к аннотации (задание):
Объём аннотации должен быть от 115 до 125 слов. Если меньше 110 и больше 130 слов, то оценка снижается на 5 баллов, если меньше 95 слов и больше 140 слов – на 10 баллов. Обязательно писать количество слов. Артикли и предлоги считаются за слова.
Структура аннотации: либо в начале, либо в конце написать от 3 до 5 key words (термины).
Текст писать через атрибутивную конструкцию (вместо transparency of the public sector - писать public sector transparency).
Аннотация пишется сжато в формальном стиле. Необходимо соблюдать формат: introduction, main body и conclusion абзацами.
Одно или два предложения должны быть в пассивном залоге.
Следовать логике построения статьи в аннотации. Не высказывать своё мнение. Не нужно давать в скобках варианты слов.
Аннотация пишется ко всей статье.
Не вставлять из текста предложения полностью. Цитировать не больше трёх слов из статьи (иначе снижается оценка). Не использовать вводные слова. Слова “the article” и ‘the author” использовать только один раз каждое. Не использовать метафоры и слова с «негативной коннотацией» (например, в кавычках).
Написать на английском языке аннотацию к тексту From Administrative State to Constitutional Government №1509251
Артикул: 1509251
- Тип работы: Экзаменационные вопросы
- Предмет: Английский язык
- Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2022 году
- Количество страниц: 1
- Формат файла: docx
Материалы, размещаемые в каталоге, с согласия автора, могут использоваться только в качестве дополнительного инструмента для решения имеющихся у вас задач,
сбора информации и источников, содержащих стороннее мнение по вопросу, его оценку, но не являются готовым решением.
Пользователь вправе по собственному усмотрению перерабатывать материалы, создавать производные произведения,
соглашаться или не соглашаться с выводами, предложенными автором, с его позицией.
Тема: | Написать на английском языке аннотацию к тексту From Administrative State to Constitutional Government |
Артикул: | 1509251 |
Дата написания: | 10.03.2022 |
Тип работы: | Экзаменационные вопросы |
Предмет: | Английский язык |
Количество страниц: | 1 |
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