Problems and development perspectives of franchising in lodging industry №1505685

Артикул: 1505685
  • Тип работы: Дипломная работа
  • Предмет: Hotel Management
  • Уникальность: 91% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2016 году
  • Количество страниц: 31
  • Формат файла: docx
4 490p.
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical basics of franchising in the lodging industry 5
1.1 Franchising theoretical foundations 5
1.2 The essence of franchising in the lodging industry 9
Chapter 2. Main problems and perspectives of franchising in lodging industry 13
2.1 Problems and disadvantages of franchising in lodging industry 13
2.2 The trends and perspectives of hotel chains in today world 15
Conclusions 26
The list of literature cited 28

Hotel franchising is a relationship agreement between the holder of a brand (franchisor) and another partner (franchisee) which provides the franchisee with the right to use the franchisor’s brand name in return for fees. The services provided by the franchisor range from pre-opening services, initial services and on-going support. The degree of satisfaction experienced by the franchisee over the duration of the franchise relationship will not necessarily be constant and can lead to serious problems between both parties. Therefore, there may be some sort of lifecycle in the relationship between the franchisee and the franchisor as reported as a general concept for franchising relationships.
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12. Mendelsohn, M. The Guide to Franchising. 6th ed, London: Cassell. – 2014. – 560 p.
13. Monroy, M. and Alzola, M. An analysis of quality management in franchise systems. European journal of marketing. – 2014.
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22. Xiao, Q., O’Neill, J. W. & Wang, H. International hotel development: A study of potential franchisees in China, International Journal of Hospitality Management 27, Elsevier (325-336)
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Тема: Problems and development perspectives of franchising in lodging industry
Артикул: 1505685
Дата написания: 31.03.2016
Тип работы: Дипломная работа
Предмет: Hotel Management
Оригинальность: Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 91%
Количество страниц: 31
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Дипломная — Problems and development perspectives of franchising in lodging industry — 2
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Дипломная — Problems and development perspectives of franchising in lodging industry — 4
Дипломная — Problems and development perspectives of franchising in lodging industry — 5
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