Product range of medicines acting on the central nervous system №1508632

Артикул: 1508632
  • Тип работы: Курсовая работа
  • Предмет: Commodity analysis
  • Уникальность: 75% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2021 году
  • Количество страниц: 46
  • Формат файла: docx
1 990p.
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Introduction 3
1. Physiology of the nervous system 4
2. Central nervous system 10
3. Drugs acting on central nervous system 16
3.1 Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics 16
3.2 Antidepressants 21
3.3 Anticonvulsants 24
3.4 Local irritants 28
3.5 Local anesthetics 29
3.6. Anesthetic drugs 31
3.7 Antipsychotics 36
3.8. Adaptogens and general tonics 39
3.9 Cerebral circulation correctors, psychostimulants and nootropics 39
Conclusion 43
Reference 44

The structural unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell, or neuron. The billions of nerve cells that make up the nervous system are organized to allow movement realization of various sensations; response to internal and external stimuli; and learning, thinking, and emotion.
The mechanisms that are involved in all of these processes are not clearly understood. The actions of drugs that are used to affect the functioning of the nerves and the responses that these drugs cause throughout the nervous system provide some of the current theories about the workings of the nervous system.
Thus, the purpose of this work will be to study the product range of medicines acting on the central nervous system.
To achieve the above goals within the course work, it will be necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks:
- introduce physiology of the nervous system;
- characterize the features of the central nervous system;
- characterize drugs acting on the central nervous system.
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4. Clinical pharmacology [Text]: textbook. for universities / ed. V.G. Kukes. - 4th ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008 .-- 1056 p. - Bibliography: p. 1039.
5. General and private pharmacology for the pediatric faculty: textbook / E.B. Arushanyan, E.V. Beyer, G.K. Borovkova, S.S. Naumov, K.B. Ovanesov, A.V. Popov, A.P. Popova - Stavropol: StGMU Publishing House, 2015 - 220 p.
6. Greenblatt DJ, Harmatz JS, Shader RI: Clinical pharmacokinetics of anxiolytics and hypnotics in the elderly. Therapeutic considerations (Part I). Clin Pharmacokinet 21: 165-177, 1991a
7. Greenblatt DJ, Harmatz JS, Shader RI: Clinical pharmacokinetics of anxiolytics and hypnotics in the elderly. Therapeutic considerations (Part II). Clin Pharmacokinet 21: 262-273, 1991b
8. Kattsung, B. G. Basic and clinical pharmacology: in 2 volumes [Text] / B. G. Kattsung; per. from English ed. E. E. Zwartau. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Binom; St. Petersburg: Dialect, 2007 .-- T. 1. - 648 p. - Bibliography. at the end of chapters. - Alf. decree .: p. 637-647.
9. Large reference book of medicines [Text] / ed. L. E. Ziganshina [and others]; rec. D.A. Kharkevich; ASMOK. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 3312, [2] p.
10. Neil, MD Visual pharmacology [Text]: textbook. allowance / M. D. Neil; per. from English Ed. R. A. Alyautdina. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008 .-- 104 p. : ill. - Item decree.: p. 100-103.
11. Petrov, VI Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy in real medical practice [Text]: master class: textbook / VI Petrov. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 872 p.
Материалы, размещаемые в каталоге, с согласия автора, могут использоваться только в качестве дополнительного инструмента для решения имеющихся у вас задач, сбора информации и источников, содержащих стороннее мнение по вопросу, его оценку, но не являются готовым решением. Пользователь вправе по собственному усмотрению перерабатывать материалы, создавать производные произведения, соглашаться или не соглашаться с выводами, предложенными автором, с его позицией.
Тема: Product range of medicines acting on the central nervous system
Артикул: 1508632
Дата написания: 12.05.2021
Тип работы: Курсовая работа
Предмет: Commodity analysis
Оригинальность: Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 75%
Количество страниц: 46
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