Профессиональный английский язык 2 Росдистант Ответы Module 3. Academic Writing Part 3. Write an abstract of your bachelor's thesis №9106536

Артикул: 9106536
  • Тип работы: Тестовые вопросы
  • Предмет: Иностранные языки
  • Разместил(-а): 185 Рамиль в 2024 году
  • Количество страниц: 5
  • Формат файла: docx
  • Последняя покупка: 15.10.2024
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Find the phrasal verb and replace it with the one-word substitution.
We conducted a detailed study of a subject in order to find out information or achieve a new understanding of it.

The process will go on until it reaches the saturation criterion.

We add up the results accuracy this algorithm gives to the three classes separately using confusion matrix.

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The transition to blended learning in higher education has led to an increase in the share of self-learning and personalized education, which demands taking into account the students' opinions about the variety of teaching methods.
• a precise description of the research method
• the major findings
• the context of the work
• the conclusions reached

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the students' readiness to the integration of the "Online Self-Learning Module", when learning English and to its implementation approaches.
• the major findings
• the conclusions reached
• the aim or purpose of the research
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The main research method is a survey of the 2-3-year students of non-linguistic majors conducted at Togliatti State University (September – November 2021). The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions in three blocks: "Personal goals for self-learning", "Self-directed learning skills" and "Monitoring of online self-learning process/ Feedback".
• the major findings
• the conclusions reached
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The survey revealed a positive attitude of students to its integration desire of extra curriculum English training (77%) φexp=8.068; need for skills of professional texts independent study (65%) φexp=4.306, personal pace and achievements (67%) φexp=4.907 Weaknesses, according to the students, include nonawareness of the teacher-students interaction algorithm (82%) φexp=9.822; the need for self-assessment and reflection (68%) φexp=5.204.
We determined a new approach to students' self-learning: extra curriculum online task with its modular approach, structurally and thematically correlated with offline learning; the availability of the students' guidelines and the tasks fulfillment algorithms, the sample for the final answer, and automated evaluation of the assignment assessment.
• the aim or purpose of the research
• the major findings
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
Students identified the "Online Self-Learning Module" for English as a positive trend that will allow them their personalized English learning, to be autonomous in choosing language content, not to depend on the teacher's direct control, and to increase their self-organization and self-reflection.
• the aim or purpose of the research
• the context of the work
• a precise description of the research method
• the conclusions reached

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
Integration of "Online Self-Learning Module" involves the educational technologies modernization and serves as a response to the current challenge of the education.
• the aim or purpose of the research
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method
• the major findings

Choose the appropriate sentences for each abstract part.
• Discussion: sentenses 8-9
• Introduction: sentenses 1-3
• Methods: sentenses 3-5
• Methods: sentenses 4-5
• Introduction: sentenses 1-2
• Results: sentenses 5-7
• Conclusion: sentense 10
• Discussion: sentense 8
• Results: sentenses 6-7
• Conclusion: sentenses 9-10

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The current situation in the higher education system is characterized by a rethinking of the applied learning technologies and forms of interaction of its participants.
• a precise description of the research method
• the major findings
• the context of the work
• the conclusions reached

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The purpose of this study is the theoretical validation and empirical evaluation of the video podcast technology reliability in distance Learning, the central idea of which is the thematic video podcasts creation by students in team work with the teacher's tuition in the LMS Moodle, H5P.
• the major findings
• the conclusions reached
• the aim or purpose of the research
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The study involved 100 students of Togliatti State University. Main research methods: the method of theoretical analysis and modeling, experimental training, the method of mathematical statistics and graphical representation of data. Evaluation of the reliability and the effectiveness of the developed technology were carried out using the Wilcoxon T-test.
• the major findings
• the conclusions reached
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
This technology includes a set of psychological and pedagogical principles; a bank of interactive tasks and methodological recommendations for students to create a video podcast; technical equipment for feedback and online teacher-students interactive team work. Referring to the CEFR, we have developed the Scale of controlled skills: linguistic aspect (Range, Accuracy, Coherence), pragmatic aspect (Interaction, Technical skill, Timemanagmen skill), sociolinguistic aspect (Fluency, Mediation) mastered with the Video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching, and designated their descriptors.
• the aim or purpose of the research
• the major findings
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The semester experimental training showed: linguistic skills of students increased by 38 %; pragmatic skills by 58%, sociolinguistic skills by 42%. The application of the Wilcoxon T-test under the condition p<0.05 and Texp• the aim or purpose of the research
• the context of the work
• a precise description of the research method
• the conclusions reached

Indicate what part of the abstract is about.
The developed technology is applicable at any stage of ESP teaching and enhances the organization process of the students' activities in a distance education.
• the aim or purpose of the research
• any implications of the topic under discussion
• a precise description of the research method
• the major findings

Arrange the abstract parts of the bachelor`s thesis in a logical order.

Match the parts of the bachelor's thesis abstract with appropriated sentence.
Introduction ......
Current situation .......
Result ......
Practical significance ........
Aim / purpose .......
Methods ......

Сhoose the correct answer.
Write your paper with … .
• the supervisor in mind
• the audience in mind
• the structure in mind
• the finding in mind

Сhoose the correct answer.
The paper presentation sessions at conferences are … .
• 30 minutes long
• 20 minutes long
• 10 minutes long
• 5 minutes long

Сhoose the correct answer.
Reading aloud in front of an audience takes … that reading in your mind.
• less time
• the same amount of time
• more time
• longer time

Сhoose the correct answer.
You will have to gain the audience's attention within … .
• the first 30 seconds of your session
• the first 10-20 seconds of your session
• the first 5 minutes of your session
• the entire presentation session

Сhoose the correct answer.
To give your audience time to react to what you say, you should … .
• keep smiling
• stay calm and talk loudly
• take advantage of pauses
• speak fast

Сhoose the correct answer.
… ensure a smooth flowing presentation.
• Scientific terms
• Simple phrases
• Complex phrases
• Transition words

Сhoose the correct answer.
Your audience will evaluate … .
• only your work
• both your work and you
• only you
• the written text

Choose the correct option.
We use the phrase "The results of this study demonstrated that … " in ... .
• Introduction
• Results
• Methods
• Conclusion

Choose the correct option.
We use the phrase "The current research focuses on … " in … .
• Methods
• Results
• Introduction
• Implication

Choose the correct option.
We use the phrase "The findings suggest that …" in ... .
• Discussion
• Methods
• Introduction
• Results

Choose the correct option to fill in the gap in the sentence.
… is a short overview of your research work. It should express your central idea and your key points.
• An abstract
• A scientific article
• A bachelor`s thesis
• An article

Choose the correct option.
The abstract part in which the approach of the study is presented.
• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion

Choose the correct option.
This abstract part should have the major findings and the results.
• Abstract
• Results
• Discussion
• Introduction
Материалы, размещаемые в каталоге, с согласия автора, могут использоваться только в качестве дополнительного инструмента для решения имеющихся у вас задач, сбора информации и источников, содержащих стороннее мнение по вопросу, его оценку, но не являются готовым решением. Пользователь вправе по собственному усмотрению перерабатывать материалы, создавать производные произведения, соглашаться или не соглашаться с выводами, предложенными автором, с его позицией.
Тема: Профессиональный английский язык 2 Росдистант
Ответы Module 3. Academic Writing Part 3. Write an abstract of your bachelor's thesis
Артикул: 9106536
Дата написания: 13.01.2024
Тип работы: Тестовые вопросы
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Количество страниц: 5
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