Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE 1 and TELE 2... №1507106

Артикул: 1507106
  • Тип работы: Задачи
  • Предмет: Business Economics
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2019 году
  • Количество страниц: 6
  • Формат файла: docx
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Problem 1

Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE 1 and TELE 2, who are planning to launch a new model which could have a great impact on the mobile phone market. Each firm can decide to launch the new model either now or next year.
- If TELE 1 launches the new model now and TELE 2 next year, the benefits will be 10 (for TELE 1) and 6 (for TELE 2), respectively
- If TELE2 launches the new model now and TELE1 next year the benefits will be 10 (for TELE2) and 6 (for TELE]), respectively.
- If TELE 1 and TELE2 both launch the new model now the benefits will be 7 for each one.
- If TELE 1 and TELE2 both launch the new model next year, the benefits will be 11 for each one.
a. (0.5) Construct the matrix of results for this simultaneous game and find the Nash equilibrium.
b. (0.5) Assume now that firm TELE 1 decides first: built the extensive form of the game and find the equilibrium.
Problem 2 (0.5 points)

Business management studies have established that when firms are able to establish long-term relationships problems of opportunistic behavior in relations between firms may be reduced. Consider the following example to discuss this argument:
The firm Beta SA produces an intermediary product В (for example, car batteries). Firm Gama SA is a car manufacturer interested in having a firm supplying batteries for its cars. Consider that the batteries produced by the firm Beta may be of lower quality (with a unit production cost of 20€), or higher quality (with a unit production cost of 30€). Suppose that the two firms establish an annual contract for the supply of high-quality batteries, whereby the firm Beta will supply a total of 2000 batteries to the firm Gama at a price of 40 euros per battery. The firm Gama cannot know whether the batteries are of a higher or lower quality, and will only know at the end of the year, when its after-sales service analyzes customer complaints.
a. (0.25) If the contract is established for only one year, with no future commitment, what do you think will be the behavior of firm Beta? Justify your answer.
b. (0.25 point) Suppose that the two firms have the possibility of establishing a long-term contract, whereby if neither of the parties imposes any obstacles, the contract will be renewed for two more years. What do you think will be the behavior of firm Beta in this case? Justify your answer.

Problem 3.

Let us consider two individuals A and B, who have to perform together a task in team. Each individual can choose the level of effort (e) to make which could be high (e=3) or low (e=1). The final result of their work in team, Q, is given by the following expression.
Problem 4

Until 2017, a company has produced internally a component needed to manufacture its final product (Q=30,000 units with a total cost of €180,000).
Материалы, размещаемые в каталоге, с согласия автора, могут использоваться только в качестве дополнительного инструмента для решения имеющихся у вас задач, сбора информации и источников, содержащих стороннее мнение по вопросу, его оценку, но не являются готовым решением. Пользователь вправе по собственному усмотрению перерабатывать материалы, создавать производные произведения, соглашаться или не соглашаться с выводами, предложенными автором, с его позицией.
Тема: Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE 1 and TELE 2...
Артикул: 1507106
Дата написания: 12.01.2019
Тип работы: Задачи
Предмет: Business Economics
Количество страниц: 6
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Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE 1 and TELE 2..., Задачи по предмету Business Economics - список файлов, которые будут доступны после покупки:

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Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 1
Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 2
Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 3
Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 4
Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 5
Задачи — Решить задачи (на английском языке): Problem 1. Consider two mobile phone operators, TELE — 6
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