I. Translate the 2nd paragraph from English into Russian using the dictionary. Economics Theory through Applications 3
Перевод 9
II. Make the summary of the text. 11
III. Answer the following questions 12
IV. Write down 10 key words of the text and translate them into Russian 14
V. Make up your own CV using the basic structure and vocabulary 15
Абзац для перевода:
2. The Role of Government
We have pointed out that individuals acting in their own self-interest benefit from voluntary trade. If you are not forced to buy or sell, then there is a presumption that every transaction makes the participants happier. What is more, markets are often a very effective institution for allowing people to meet and trade with one another. In fact, there is a remarkable result in economics that—under some circumstances—individuals acting in their own self-interest and trading in markets can manage to obtain all the possible benefits that can come from trading. Every transaction carried out is for the good, and every good transaction is carried out. From this comes a powerful recommendation: do whatever is possible to encourage trade. The phrase under some circumstances is not a minor footnote. In the real world, transactions often affect people other than the buyer and the seller, as we saw in our example of gas stations in Mexico City. In other cases, there can be problems with the way that markets operate. If there is only a small number of firms in a market, then managers may be able to set high prices, even if it means that people miss out on some of the benefits of trade. Later in this book, we study exactly how managers make these decisions. The microeconomic arguments for government intervention in the economy stem from these kinds of problems with markets. In many chapters, we discuss how governments intervene in an attempt to improve the outcome that markets give us. Yet it is often unclear whether and how governments should be involved. Pollution in Mexico City illustrates how complex these problems can be. First, who is responsible for the pollution? Some of it comes from people and firms outside the city and perhaps even outside the country. If pollution in Mexico City is in part caused by factories in Texas, who should deal with the problem: the Mexico City government, the Mexican government, the US government, or the Texas state legislature? Second, how much pollution should we tolerate? We could shut down all factories and ban all cars, but few people would think this is a sensible policy. Third, what measures can we use to combat air pollution? Should we simply place limits on production by firms and the amount of driving? Should we use some kind of tax? Is there a way in which we can take advantage of our belief that people, including the managers of firms, respond to incentives? There are two traps that we must avoid. The first is to believe that markets are the solution to everything. There is no imaginable market in which the residents of Mexico City can trade with the buyers and sellers of gasoline to purchase the right amount of clean air. The second trap is to believe that the government can fix every market failure. Governments are collections of individuals who respond to their own incentives. They can sometimes make things better, but they can sometimes make things worse as well. There is room for lots of disagreement in the middle. Some economists think that problems with markets are pervasive and that government can do a great deal to fix these problems. Others think that such problems are rare and that governmental intervention often does more harm than good. These disagreements result partly from different interpretations of the evidence and partly from differences in politics. Economists are as prone as everyone else to view the world through their own ideological lens. As we proceed, we do our best to present the arguments on controversial issues and help you understand why even economists sometimes come to differing conclusions about economic policy.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the approach of microeconomics?
2. What are the big questions of economics?
3. What is the role of the government in the economic policy? Give some examples.
4. What technologies does an economy possess?
5. It is pointed out that most people specialize in production and generalize in consumption. What goods or services (if any) do you produce? What are the most important goods and services that you consume?
6. Police protection is a service provided by most governments. What are the what, how and who aspects of the provision of this service?
Вариант 1. Задания: 1. Translate the 2nd paragraph from English into Russian... (2. The Role of Government) 2. Make the summary of the text. ... 5. Make up your own CV... №1508944
Артикул: 1508944
- Тип работы: Контрольная работа
- Предмет: Профессиональная коммуникация на иностранном языке
- Уникальность: 80% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
- Разместил(-а): 526 Анна в 2021 году
- Количество страниц: 18
- Формат файла: docx
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Тема: | Вариант 1. Задания: 1. Translate the 2nd paragraph from English into Russian... (2. The Role of Government) 2. Make the summary of the text. ... 5. Make up your own CV... |
Артикул: | 1508944 |
Дата написания: | 10.10.2021 |
Тип работы: | Контрольная работа |
Предмет: | Профессиональная коммуникация на иностранном языке |
Оригинальность: | Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 80% |
Количество страниц: | 18 |
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