What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets (какие существуют возможные аспекты конкуренции компании на иностранном рынке) №2000094

Артикул: 2000094
  • Тип работы: Эссе
  • Предмет: Бизнес экономика
  • Уникальность: 70% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2019 году
  • Количество страниц: 11
  • Формат файла: docx
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Essay 3
List of literature 10


In modern conditions of globalization, the interaction of international companies has transformed into a form of competitive relations, providing for competition for markets, resources and target groups of consumers.
This forces international companies to search for new methods and tools for managing their competitiveness based on the development of their key competencies and the maximum use of their capabilities [6].
In this connection, the need to form an effective mechanism for managing the competitiveness of international companies on the basis of searching for new ways and methods of management, allowing them to respond flexibly to changes in the external environment, competently and efficiently use their production potential, increase their competitiveness and thereby create prerequisites for achieving sustainable economic development in the long term.
The purpose of this essay will be to present the main aspects of the competitiveness of modern enterprises in foreign and international markets.
1. Amit R. (2015). Strategic assets and organizational rent R. Amit, PJ. Schoemaker // Strategic Management Journal. - № 14. - P. 33-46.
2. Barney J. (2014) Firm Resources Sustained Competitive Advantage // Journal of Management. - Vol. 17. № 1. P. 99-120.
3. Coase, R. (1937) ‘The Nature of the Firm’, Economica, Vol. 4, pp. 386-405.
4. Ketels, C. (2016). Competitiveness Frameworks Review An Analysis Conducted for the National Com-petitiveness Council. Ireland: National Competitiveness Council.
5. Peteraf M. (2013). The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource- View // Strategic Management Journal. - Vol. 14. № 3. - P. 179-191.
6. Porter M. (2015) On Competition, Harvard Business Review, Boston.
7. Porter, M. (2014) The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York.
8. Schumpeter, J. (1954) History of Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York.
9. Durand, M., & Giorno, C. (2015). Indicators of International Competitiveness: Conceptual Aspects and Evaluation. EOCD Journals: Economic Outlook, 147-182. Retrieved on July 11, 2017 from http://www.oecd.org/eco/outlook/33841783.pdf
10. Ketels, C. (2015). Michael Porter’s Competitiveness Framework – Recent Learnings and New Research Priorities. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 6(2), 115-136. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10842-006-9474-7
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Тема: What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets (какие существуют возможные аспекты конкуренции компании на иностранном рынке)
Артикул: 2000094
Дата написания: 25.04.2019
Тип работы: Эссе
Предмет: Бизнес экономика
Оригинальность: Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 70%
Количество страниц: 11
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What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets (какие существуют возможные аспекты конкуренции компании на иностранном рынке), Эссе по предмету Бизнес экономика - список файлов, которые будут доступны после покупки:

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Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 1
Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 2
Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 3
Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 4
Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 5
Эссе — What aré the possible aspects of competitiveness of a company at foreign markets — 6
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