Введение 3
1. Постановка проблемы исследования 4
1.1. Описание предметной области, схема ценообразования 4
1.2. Анализ существующих исследований в этой области 7
2. Методы и модели исследования 13
2.1 Методология исследования 13
2.2 Характеристика изменения цен на автомобили на вторичном рынке России 16
Список использованных источников 22
Тема исследования может стать точкой преломления для анализа материального благосостояния населения, а также имеет прикладную научную значимость определения состояния казахстанского автомобильного рынка, результаты исследования, несомненно, станут отправной точкой для проведения аналогичных исследований.
Более того, данный подход может быть применен в качестве инструмента для оценки подержанных автомобилей профессиональными оценщиками и банками второго уровня
Цель данной работы будет заключаться в проведении анализа и прогнозировании ценообразования на вторичном рынке автомобилей.
Для достижения поставленной выше цели в рамках работы необходимо будет решить ряд взаимосвязанных задач:
- провести анализ существующих исследований в области ценообразования на вторичном рынке автомобилей;
- охарактеризовать методологию исследования;
- представить характеристику изменения цен на автомобили на вторичном рынке России.
Анализ и прогнозирование ценообразования на вторичном рынке автомобилей №1106193
Артикул: 1106193
- Тип работы: Курсовая работа
- Предмет: Предиктивное моделирование данных
- Уникальность: 73% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
- Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2021 году
- Количество страниц: 25
- Формат файла: docx
- Последняя покупка: 03.03.2024
1 499p.
1. Akinwande M., Hussaini G., Agboola S. (2015) // "Variance inflation factor: as a condition for the inclusion of suppressor variable (s) in regression analysis." // Open Journal of Statistics 5, no. 07: 754.
2. Alberini A., Bareit M., Filippini M. (2014) // Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Regressions, a Regression Discontinuity Design, and Matching // SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.2403696.
3. Andersson, D. E., Shyr,O.F., and Fu, J. (2008), Does high-speed rail accessibility influence residential property prices?, Journal Transport Geography doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2008.10.012
4. Awad W.A. and S.M. ELseuofi, “Machine Learning Method for Spam-Email Classification”, 2011
5. Benesty J., Jingdong C., Yiteng H., Israel C. (2009) // "Pearson correlation coefficient." In Noise reduction in speech processing, pp. 1-4 // Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
6. Chen C., Hao L., Xu C. (2017) // Comparative analysis of used car price evaluation models // AIP Conference Proceedings. 1839. 020165. 10.1063/1.4982530.
7. Cumhur E., Şentürk I. (2009). // A Hedonic Analysis of Used Car Prices in Turkey // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 3. 141-149.
8. Day B., Ian B., Iain L. (2004) // Nonlinearity in hedonic price equation: An estimation strategy using model-based clustering // No. 04-02. CSERGE Working Paper EDM.
9. Diewert E. (2001) // Hedonic Regressions: A Consumer Theory Approach // Paper presented at the Sixth Meeting of the International Working Group on Price Indices, Canberra, Australia, 2-6 April 2001.
10. Durgesh K. Srivastava, Lekha Bhambhu, “Data Classification Method using Support Vector Machine”, 2009
11. Genesove, D. (1993), “Adverse Selection in the Wholesale Used Car Market”, Journal of Political Economy, 101, 644-665.
12. German Federal Statistical Office (2003), Hedonic Methods of Price Measurement for Used Cars. http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/Internet/EN/Content/Statistics/Preise/HedonicUsedCars,property=file.pdf
13. Ginter, J. L., Young, A. M., and Dickson, P. R. (1987), a Market Efficiency Study of Used Car Reliability and Prices, the Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (2): 258-76.
14. Giudice V., Manganelli B., Paola P. (2017) // Hedonic Analysis of Housing Sales Prices with Semiparametric Methods // International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. 8. 65-77. 10.4018/IJAEIS.2017040105.
15. Griliches Z. (ed.) (1971) // Price Indexes and Quality Change: Studies in New Methods of Measurement, Cambridge, Harvard University Press
16. Huang C. L. and Lin, B. H. (2007), a Hedonic Analysis of Fresh Tomato Prices among Regional Markets, Review of Agricultural Economics, 29 (4): 1-18.
17. Kuiper, Shonda. "Introduction to Multiple Regression: How Much Is Your Car Worth?." Journal of Statistics Education 16.3 (2008).
18. Maietta, O. W. (2003), The Hedonic Price of Fairtrade Coffee for the Italian Consumer, International Conference Agricultural policy reform and the WTO: where are we heading? Capri, Italy, June 23-26.
19. Murray, J. and N. Sarantis (1999) Price-quality relations and hedonic price indexes for cars in the United Kingdom, International Journal of the Economics and Business, 6, 5-27
20. Noor, Kanwal, and Sadaqat Jan. "Vehicle Price Prediction System using Machine Learning Techniques." International Journal of Computer Applications 167.9 (2017).
21. Pal N., Kohli P., Sundararaman D., Palakurthy S. (2019) // How Much Is My Car Worth? A Methodology for Predicting Used Cars’ Prices Using Random Forest: Proceedings of the 2018 // Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Vol. 1. 10.1007/978-3-030-03402-3_28.
22. Pazarlıoğlu, V. M. and Günes, M. (2000), the Hedonic Price Model for Fusion on Car Market International Conference of Information Fusion, Paris, France, 4-13.
23. Pudaruth, Sameerchand. "Predicting the price of used cars using machine learning techniques." Int. J. Inf. Comput. Technol 4.7 (2014): 753-764
24. Rosen S. (1974) // Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition // Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 34-55.
25. Shiratsuka, S. (1995), Automobile Prices and Quality Changes: a Hedonic Price Analysis of the Japanese Automobile Market, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, 13 (2): 1-44.
26. Shonda K. (2008) // Introduction to Multiple Regression: How Much Is Your Car Worth?. J Stat Educ. 16. 10.1080/10691898.2008.11889579.
27. Silver M. (1999) // An evaluation of the use of hedonic regressions for basic components of consumer price indices // Review of Income and Wealth Series 45, Number 1, March 1999
28. Silver M., Heravi S. (2000) // The Measurement of Quality-Adjusted Price Changes // paper presented at the NBER Conference on Scanner Data and Price Indexes, September 15-16, 2000 at Arlington, Virginia, forthcoming in an CRIW-NBER Volume edited by R.Feenstra and M. Shapiro.
29. Strauss, Oliver Thomas, and Morgan Scott Hansen. "Advanced data science systems and methods useful for auction pricing optimization over network." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/213,941.
30. Varoutas, D., Deligiorgi, K., Michalakelis, C., and Sphicopoulos, T. (2007), a Hedonic Approach to Estimate Price Evolution of Telecommunication Services: Evidence from Greece, Applied Economics Letters, 15 (14): 1131-34.
31. Xinyuan Zhang , Zhiye Zhang and Changtong Qiu, “Model of Predicting the Price Range of Used Car”, 2017
2. Alberini A., Bareit M., Filippini M. (2014) // Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Regressions, a Regression Discontinuity Design, and Matching // SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.2403696.
3. Andersson, D. E., Shyr,O.F., and Fu, J. (2008), Does high-speed rail accessibility influence residential property prices?, Journal Transport Geography doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2008.10.012
4. Awad W.A. and S.M. ELseuofi, “Machine Learning Method for Spam-Email Classification”, 2011
5. Benesty J., Jingdong C., Yiteng H., Israel C. (2009) // "Pearson correlation coefficient." In Noise reduction in speech processing, pp. 1-4 // Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
6. Chen C., Hao L., Xu C. (2017) // Comparative analysis of used car price evaluation models // AIP Conference Proceedings. 1839. 020165. 10.1063/1.4982530.
7. Cumhur E., Şentürk I. (2009). // A Hedonic Analysis of Used Car Prices in Turkey // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 3. 141-149.
8. Day B., Ian B., Iain L. (2004) // Nonlinearity in hedonic price equation: An estimation strategy using model-based clustering // No. 04-02. CSERGE Working Paper EDM.
9. Diewert E. (2001) // Hedonic Regressions: A Consumer Theory Approach // Paper presented at the Sixth Meeting of the International Working Group on Price Indices, Canberra, Australia, 2-6 April 2001.
10. Durgesh K. Srivastava, Lekha Bhambhu, “Data Classification Method using Support Vector Machine”, 2009
11. Genesove, D. (1993), “Adverse Selection in the Wholesale Used Car Market”, Journal of Political Economy, 101, 644-665.
12. German Federal Statistical Office (2003), Hedonic Methods of Price Measurement for Used Cars. http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/Internet/EN/Content/Statistics/Preise/HedonicUsedCars,property=file.pdf
13. Ginter, J. L., Young, A. M., and Dickson, P. R. (1987), a Market Efficiency Study of Used Car Reliability and Prices, the Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (2): 258-76.
14. Giudice V., Manganelli B., Paola P. (2017) // Hedonic Analysis of Housing Sales Prices with Semiparametric Methods // International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. 8. 65-77. 10.4018/IJAEIS.2017040105.
15. Griliches Z. (ed.) (1971) // Price Indexes and Quality Change: Studies in New Methods of Measurement, Cambridge, Harvard University Press
16. Huang C. L. and Lin, B. H. (2007), a Hedonic Analysis of Fresh Tomato Prices among Regional Markets, Review of Agricultural Economics, 29 (4): 1-18.
17. Kuiper, Shonda. "Introduction to Multiple Regression: How Much Is Your Car Worth?." Journal of Statistics Education 16.3 (2008).
18. Maietta, O. W. (2003), The Hedonic Price of Fairtrade Coffee for the Italian Consumer, International Conference Agricultural policy reform and the WTO: where are we heading? Capri, Italy, June 23-26.
19. Murray, J. and N. Sarantis (1999) Price-quality relations and hedonic price indexes for cars in the United Kingdom, International Journal of the Economics and Business, 6, 5-27
20. Noor, Kanwal, and Sadaqat Jan. "Vehicle Price Prediction System using Machine Learning Techniques." International Journal of Computer Applications 167.9 (2017).
21. Pal N., Kohli P., Sundararaman D., Palakurthy S. (2019) // How Much Is My Car Worth? A Methodology for Predicting Used Cars’ Prices Using Random Forest: Proceedings of the 2018 // Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Vol. 1. 10.1007/978-3-030-03402-3_28.
22. Pazarlıoğlu, V. M. and Günes, M. (2000), the Hedonic Price Model for Fusion on Car Market International Conference of Information Fusion, Paris, France, 4-13.
23. Pudaruth, Sameerchand. "Predicting the price of used cars using machine learning techniques." Int. J. Inf. Comput. Technol 4.7 (2014): 753-764
24. Rosen S. (1974) // Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition // Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 34-55.
25. Shiratsuka, S. (1995), Automobile Prices and Quality Changes: a Hedonic Price Analysis of the Japanese Automobile Market, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, 13 (2): 1-44.
26. Shonda K. (2008) // Introduction to Multiple Regression: How Much Is Your Car Worth?. J Stat Educ. 16. 10.1080/10691898.2008.11889579.
27. Silver M. (1999) // An evaluation of the use of hedonic regressions for basic components of consumer price indices // Review of Income and Wealth Series 45, Number 1, March 1999
28. Silver M., Heravi S. (2000) // The Measurement of Quality-Adjusted Price Changes // paper presented at the NBER Conference on Scanner Data and Price Indexes, September 15-16, 2000 at Arlington, Virginia, forthcoming in an CRIW-NBER Volume edited by R.Feenstra and M. Shapiro.
29. Strauss, Oliver Thomas, and Morgan Scott Hansen. "Advanced data science systems and methods useful for auction pricing optimization over network." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/213,941.
30. Varoutas, D., Deligiorgi, K., Michalakelis, C., and Sphicopoulos, T. (2007), a Hedonic Approach to Estimate Price Evolution of Telecommunication Services: Evidence from Greece, Applied Economics Letters, 15 (14): 1131-34.
31. Xinyuan Zhang , Zhiye Zhang and Changtong Qiu, “Model of Predicting the Price Range of Used Car”, 2017
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Тема: | Анализ и прогнозирование ценообразования на вторичном рынке автомобилей |
Артикул: | 1106193 |
Дата написания: | 18.05.2021 |
Тип работы: | Курсовая работа |
Предмет: | Предиктивное моделирование данных |
Оригинальность: | Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 73% |
Количество страниц: | 25 |
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