Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs. А также похожие готовые работы: страница 95 #1508712

Артикул: 1508712
  • Предмет: Pharmacognosy
  • Уникальность: 73% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
  • Разместил(-а): 103 Егор в 2021 году
  • Количество страниц: 27
  • Формат файла: docx
1 470p.
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Introduction 3
1. Modern ideas about aloe 4
1.1 Medicinal types of aloe 4
1.2 Historical background 5
1.3 Botanical description of the plant 6
1.4 The area of tree aloe 9
1.5 Harvesting, primary processing and drying 9
1.6 Chemical composition of tree aloe 10
1.7 Application of tree aloe 13
2. Morphological and anatomical study 15
2.1. Materials and methods 15
2.2 Results and discussion 15
3. Preparations and medicines containing leaves of aloe tree 19
3.1. Aloe juice 19
3.2 Aloe liniment 20
3.3 Aloe extract 22
Conclusion 24
Keywords 24
Bibliographic list 25

Relevance of the topic. Currently, in the treatment of many chronic diseases, drugs based on medicinal plant raw materials (LRS) are widely used. Modern phytopreparations, as a rule, combine high efficiency, relative safety and breadth of therapeutic action. This was made possible by the development of more advanced methods for the isolation of target active substances and methods for the standardization of medicinal raw materials, substances and phytopreparations.
Aloe pillansii is a tree-like, slightly branched plant up to 10 m tall, with long, almost vertical whitish-gray branches covered with rosettes of thick leaves. The plant blooms with lemon-yellow flowers, collected in racemes. A characteristic feature of this species is that the peduncles come out of the axils of the lowest, and not the upper leaves of the rosette. In this case, the flower stalks hang down, and their side shoots with brushes stretch up.
The purpose of this work is a pharmacognostic study aloe, aimed at developing and improving methods for standardization of raw materials and medicines based on this plant.
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2. Guide to medicine. Diagnostics and treatment. 2nd ed. Ed. Mark H. Bierce. Translation from English. / Ed. A.G. Chuchalin. - Litterra, 2015.
3. Industrial technology of drugs: Textbook for universities: in 2 volumes, Volume 2 / Ed. IN AND. Chueshova. - X .: MTK-Kniga; Publishing house of NFAU, 2015 .- 716 p.
4. Kiseleva, T.L. Medicinal plants in world medical practice: state regulation of nomenclature and quality / T.L. Kiseleva, Yu.A. Smirnov. - M .: Publishing house of the Professional Association of Naturotherapists, 2018 .- 295 p.
5. Kurkin V.A. Pharmacognosy: Textbook for students. pharmaceutical universities. / V.A. Kurkin. - Samara: OOO "Etching", GOUVPO "SamSMU", 2014. - 1180 p.
6. Lavrenev V.K., Lavreneva G.V. Complete reference book of medicinal herbs and plants. SPb .: Neva, 2016 .- 272 p.
7. Lesiovskaya E.E., Pastushenkov L.V. Pharmacotherapy with the basics of herbal medicine: Textbook, 2nd ed., Moscow: Geotar-med, 2016- 562 p.
8. Mashkovsky, M.D. Medicines: In 2 volumes - Ed. 14th, rev., Rev. and add. - M .: Novaya Volna, 2017 .- 540 p.
9. Muravyov D.A., Samylina I.A., G.P. Yakovlev Pharmacognosy: Textbook - 4th ed. - M .: Medicine, 2015 - 656 p.
10. Pharmacognosy. Medicinal raw materials of plant and animal origin. Edited by G.P. Yakovleva St. Petersburg SpetsLit 2006. - 475 p.
11. Pharmacognosy. Methods of pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant materials. In 2 hours Part 1. Acceptance rules and general test methods Andreeva V.Yu. Kalinkina G.I. Salnikova E.N. Tomsk Siberian State Medical University 2018 .- 325 p.
12. Rules for the collection and drying of medicinal plants (collection of instructions) / Ed. A.I. Schreter. - M .; Medicine, 1985 .- 328 p.
13. Sokolov S.Ya. Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology: A Guide for Physicians. - M .: Medical Information Agency, 2015 .- 976 p.
14. Turishchev S.N. Fundamentals of herbal medicine. M .: Publishing house "Russian doctor", 2015-128
15. Vorontsov V.V. Houseplants. New care guide. - M .: CJSC "Fiton +", 2017. - 288 p.
16. Pharmacognosy [Electronic resource]: textbook / I.А. Samylina, G.P. Yakovlev - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2016.http: //www.studentlibrary.ru/book/ISBN9785970439111.html
17. Pharmacognosy [Electronic resource]: textbook / I.А. Samylina, G.P. Yakovlev - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - http: // www. studmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970430712.html
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Тема: Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs
Артикул: 1508712
Дата написания: 26.05.2021
Тип работы: Курсовая работа
Предмет: Pharmacognosy
Оригинальность: Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 73%
Количество страниц: 27
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Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 1
Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 2
Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 3
Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 4
Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 5
Курсовая — Types of aloe – chemical composition, pharmacological activity, clinical use and drugs — 6
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