1.1. Генезис представлений об экономическом развитии…………………..16
1.2. Альтернативные подходы к механизму развития мезоэкономических
1.3. Инновационно-инвестиционный потенциал в системе факторов экономического развития…………………………………………………...…..53
2.1. Особенности инвестиционной составляющей инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала мезоэкономических систем (на примере регионов Приволжского федерального округа)…………………………….....70
2.2. Оценка инвестиционной активности как агрегированной составляющей инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала мезоэкономических систем (на примере регионов Приволжского федерального округа)………………….....86
2.3. Разработка инструментов оценки инвестиционной активности как составляющей инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала (на примере регионов Приволжского федерального округа)………………………..…….109
3.1. Оценка инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала мезоэкономических систем………………………………………………………………………..….123
3.2. Интегральный показатель инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала и прогнозирование его динамики с учетом степени воздействия инновационной составляющей (на примере Республики Татарстан)………145
Оценка и развитие инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала мезоэкономических систем. А также похожие готовые работы: страница 14 №9101271
Артикул: 9101271
- Тип работы: Магистерская диссертация
- Предмет: Экономика
- Уникальность: 85% (Антиплагиат.ВУЗ)
- Разместил(-а): 185 Рамиль в 2019 году
- Количество страниц: 197
- Формат файла: docx
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Только 25.01.2025
1. An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy. A Place-Based Approach to Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations. Independent Report Prepared at the Request of Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for Regional Policy by Fabrizio Barca. April, 2009. Р. 5.
2. Barro R. Economic growth and convergence across the United States // NBER Working paper 3419. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research (August). 1990. 309 р.
3. Becattini G. From Marshall’s to the Italian «Industrial Districts». A Brief Critical Reconstruction. Complexity and Industrial Clusters. – Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2002. Pp. 83–105.
4. Borts G.H. Economic Growth in a Free Market. New York, London, 1964. 252 p.
5. Borts G.H., Stein J.I. Economic Crowth in a Free Market. New York, London, 1964.
6. Chouinard Y., Ellison J., Ridgeway R. The sustainable economy // Harvard business rev. Boston, 2011. Vol. 89, N 10. P. 52–62.
7. Clark C. The Conditions of Economic Progress. London: Macmillan, 1940.
8. Clark G., Huxley J., Mountford D. Organising Local Development: The Role of Local Development Agencies and Companies. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2010. 493 p.;
9. Crossing the next regional frontier: Information and Analytics Linking Regional Competitiveness to Investment in a Knowledge-Based Economy. U. S.Economic Development Administration. 2009. URL:http://www. statsamerica. org/innovation.
10. Davis D.R., Weinstein D.E. Bones, Bombs and Break Points: The Geography of Economic Activity // American Economic Review. 92, 2002. P. 1269–1289.
11. Denison E. Trends in American Economic Growth. Wash, 1990. P. 30.
12. Domar E. Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth. N. Y. 1957;
13. Ellison G., Glaser E. Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Firms: a Dartboard Approach // Journal of Political Economy. 105. 1997. P. 889–927.
14. Faini R. Increasing returns, non-traded inputs and regional development // Economic Journal, 94. 1984. Pp. 308–323.
15. Fourastie J. Le trents glorieuses ou la revolution indivisible de 1946 a 1975. Paris, 1975. P. 201.
16. Friedman M. Monetary Correction: A Proposal for Escalator Clauses to Reduce the Costs and Ending Inflation. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1974.
17. Fujita M., Mori T. Structural stability and evolution of urban systems // Regional Science and Urban Economics. 27. 1996. P. 4-5.
18. Fujita М., Krugman P., Venables Т. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
19. Hagerstrand T. Diffusion of Innovation as The Arial Process. L, 1954.
20. Hagerstrand T. Innovation Diffusion As a Spatial Process. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1967. 334 p.
21. Hall R. Why do some countries produce so much more output per woker than others// Quarterly journal of economics. Vol. CXIV, 1999. Pp. 83–116.
22. Hirschman A.O. The Strategy of Development. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958.
23. Hollanders H., Tarantola S., Loschky A. Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) 2009. Pro Inno Europe. 2009. URL: http://www. proinno-europe. eu/page/regional-innovation-scoreboard
24. Holmes T, Stevens J. Geographic Concentration and Establishment Scale // Revew of Economics and Statistics. 2002. P. 682-690.
25. Hurris, J.R., Todaro M.P. Migration. Unemployment and Development: a Two Sector Analysis // American Economic Review. 1970. Vol. 60. P. 126-142.
26. Innis H.A. Empire and Communications. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972.
27. Global innovation index 2018. 11th edition [Электронныйресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.globalinnovationindex.org. Дата обращения 11.01.2019.
28. Kaldor N. Recollections of an Economist, вкн. Recollections of Eminent Economists подред. J.A. Kregel, vol. 2 (Macmillan, 1988).
29. Kuznets S. Driving Forces of Economic Growth: What Can We Learn from History? // Weltwirschaftliches Archiv, 1981, v.116, p.409–431 (reprinted in: H.Giersch (ed.). Towards an Explanation of Economic Growth. Tubingen, 1981).
30. Lasuen J. On growth poles// Urban Studies. June. 1969.
31. Launhardt W. Matematishe Beründung der Volkswirtschaft slehre. Leipzig, 1885. 216 р.
32. Luoto I., Virkkala S. Place-based Regional Development as a Strategic Guideline. Publications of Economic Affairs and Employment MEAE 6/2017.
33. Mankiw G. Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth // Quarterty Journal of Economics/ May 1992. V. 107. Pp. 407–438.
34. Mankiw G. W., Romer D., Weil D. N. A contribution to empirics of economic growth // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1999. № 2. Р. 407–437.
35. Mensch G. Das Technologische Patt: Innovationen Uberwinden die Depression. Frankfurt-an-Main, 1975. P. 262.
36. Moses l. A general equilibrium model of production, interregional trade and location of industry. Review of economics and statistics. 1960. №4. Р. 44-63.
37. OECD. Regions Matter: Economic Recovery, Innovation and Sustainable Growth. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2009. 197 p.;
38. Palander T.F. Beitrge zur Standortstheorie. – Uppsala: Almqvist&Wiksell, 1935.
39. Perroux F. Note sur la notion de «pole de croissance» // Economie Applique. 1955. Nos. 1-2. P. 307–320.
40. Pred A.R. The Spatial Dynamics of U.S. Urban-Industrial Growth. 1800-1914. Cambridge: MIT Prees., 1966.
41. Ramsey F.A. Contribution to the Theory ofTaxation // EconomicJournal. 1927. Vol. 37. No 1.
42. Romer P. Endogenous Technological Change // Journal of Political Economy. 1990. Oct. 98(5). P. 71-102.
43. Siebert H. Regional Economic Growth: Theory and Policy. Scranton, 1969. 217 р.
44. Solow R. M. Resources and economic growth // American Economist, 22 (2), 1978. Pp. 5–11.
45. Solow R.M. Technical Chang and the Aggregate Production Function // The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1957. August Vol.39, No.3. P. 312-320.
46. Swan T. Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation // Economic Record, 1956. Vol. 32.
47. Swann P. The Dynamics of Industrial Clustering: International Comparisons in Computing and Biotechnology // Oxford University Press, Oxford.
48. Tomaney J. Place-Based Approaches to Regional Development: Global Trends and Australian Implications. A Report for the Australian Business Foundation. November 2010; Sydney: Australian Business Foundation Limited, 2010. 34 p.
2. Barro R. Economic growth and convergence across the United States // NBER Working paper 3419. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research (August). 1990. 309 р.
3. Becattini G. From Marshall’s to the Italian «Industrial Districts». A Brief Critical Reconstruction. Complexity and Industrial Clusters. – Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2002. Pp. 83–105.
4. Borts G.H. Economic Growth in a Free Market. New York, London, 1964. 252 p.
5. Borts G.H., Stein J.I. Economic Crowth in a Free Market. New York, London, 1964.
6. Chouinard Y., Ellison J., Ridgeway R. The sustainable economy // Harvard business rev. Boston, 2011. Vol. 89, N 10. P. 52–62.
7. Clark C. The Conditions of Economic Progress. London: Macmillan, 1940.
8. Clark G., Huxley J., Mountford D. Organising Local Development: The Role of Local Development Agencies and Companies. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2010. 493 p.;
9. Crossing the next regional frontier: Information and Analytics Linking Regional Competitiveness to Investment in a Knowledge-Based Economy. U. S.Economic Development Administration. 2009. URL:http://www. statsamerica. org/innovation.
10. Davis D.R., Weinstein D.E. Bones, Bombs and Break Points: The Geography of Economic Activity // American Economic Review. 92, 2002. P. 1269–1289.
11. Denison E. Trends in American Economic Growth. Wash, 1990. P. 30.
12. Domar E. Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth. N. Y. 1957;
13. Ellison G., Glaser E. Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Firms: a Dartboard Approach // Journal of Political Economy. 105. 1997. P. 889–927.
14. Faini R. Increasing returns, non-traded inputs and regional development // Economic Journal, 94. 1984. Pp. 308–323.
15. Fourastie J. Le trents glorieuses ou la revolution indivisible de 1946 a 1975. Paris, 1975. P. 201.
16. Friedman M. Monetary Correction: A Proposal for Escalator Clauses to Reduce the Costs and Ending Inflation. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1974.
17. Fujita M., Mori T. Structural stability and evolution of urban systems // Regional Science and Urban Economics. 27. 1996. P. 4-5.
18. Fujita М., Krugman P., Venables Т. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
19. Hagerstrand T. Diffusion of Innovation as The Arial Process. L, 1954.
20. Hagerstrand T. Innovation Diffusion As a Spatial Process. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1967. 334 p.
21. Hall R. Why do some countries produce so much more output per woker than others// Quarterly journal of economics. Vol. CXIV, 1999. Pp. 83–116.
22. Hirschman A.O. The Strategy of Development. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958.
23. Hollanders H., Tarantola S., Loschky A. Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) 2009. Pro Inno Europe. 2009. URL: http://www. proinno-europe. eu/page/regional-innovation-scoreboard
24. Holmes T, Stevens J. Geographic Concentration and Establishment Scale // Revew of Economics and Statistics. 2002. P. 682-690.
25. Hurris, J.R., Todaro M.P. Migration. Unemployment and Development: a Two Sector Analysis // American Economic Review. 1970. Vol. 60. P. 126-142.
26. Innis H.A. Empire and Communications. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972.
27. Global innovation index 2018. 11th edition [Электронныйресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.globalinnovationindex.org. Дата обращения 11.01.2019.
28. Kaldor N. Recollections of an Economist, вкн. Recollections of Eminent Economists подред. J.A. Kregel, vol. 2 (Macmillan, 1988).
29. Kuznets S. Driving Forces of Economic Growth: What Can We Learn from History? // Weltwirschaftliches Archiv, 1981, v.116, p.409–431 (reprinted in: H.Giersch (ed.). Towards an Explanation of Economic Growth. Tubingen, 1981).
30. Lasuen J. On growth poles// Urban Studies. June. 1969.
31. Launhardt W. Matematishe Beründung der Volkswirtschaft slehre. Leipzig, 1885. 216 р.
32. Luoto I., Virkkala S. Place-based Regional Development as a Strategic Guideline. Publications of Economic Affairs and Employment MEAE 6/2017.
33. Mankiw G. Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth // Quarterty Journal of Economics/ May 1992. V. 107. Pp. 407–438.
34. Mankiw G. W., Romer D., Weil D. N. A contribution to empirics of economic growth // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1999. № 2. Р. 407–437.
35. Mensch G. Das Technologische Patt: Innovationen Uberwinden die Depression. Frankfurt-an-Main, 1975. P. 262.
36. Moses l. A general equilibrium model of production, interregional trade and location of industry. Review of economics and statistics. 1960. №4. Р. 44-63.
37. OECD. Regions Matter: Economic Recovery, Innovation and Sustainable Growth. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2009. 197 p.;
38. Palander T.F. Beitrge zur Standortstheorie. – Uppsala: Almqvist&Wiksell, 1935.
39. Perroux F. Note sur la notion de «pole de croissance» // Economie Applique. 1955. Nos. 1-2. P. 307–320.
40. Pred A.R. The Spatial Dynamics of U.S. Urban-Industrial Growth. 1800-1914. Cambridge: MIT Prees., 1966.
41. Ramsey F.A. Contribution to the Theory ofTaxation // EconomicJournal. 1927. Vol. 37. No 1.
42. Romer P. Endogenous Technological Change // Journal of Political Economy. 1990. Oct. 98(5). P. 71-102.
43. Siebert H. Regional Economic Growth: Theory and Policy. Scranton, 1969. 217 р.
44. Solow R. M. Resources and economic growth // American Economist, 22 (2), 1978. Pp. 5–11.
45. Solow R.M. Technical Chang and the Aggregate Production Function // The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1957. August Vol.39, No.3. P. 312-320.
46. Swan T. Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation // Economic Record, 1956. Vol. 32.
47. Swann P. The Dynamics of Industrial Clustering: International Comparisons in Computing and Biotechnology // Oxford University Press, Oxford.
48. Tomaney J. Place-Based Approaches to Regional Development: Global Trends and Australian Implications. A Report for the Australian Business Foundation. November 2010; Sydney: Australian Business Foundation Limited, 2010. 34 p.
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Тема: | Оценка и развитие инновационно-инвестиционного потенциала мезоэкономических систем |
Артикул: | 9101271 |
Дата написания: | 14.05.2019 |
Тип работы: | Магистерская диссертация |
Предмет: | Экономика |
Оригинальность: | Антиплагиат.ВУЗ — 85% |
Количество страниц: | 197 |
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